A Reflective Paper On Bipolar Disorder - UK Essays.

Bipolar Disorder. Course Project Part II'Practice: Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a very complex mental disorder. The boundaries for this disorder can be unclear, which causes confusion when making a diagnosis. The manic episodes include symptoms of depressed mood, irritable mood, guilt, and suicidal thoughts. Depressive phase some.

Bipolar is a condition known as manic-depressive disorder, which referred to as bipolar or manic depression, a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more abnormal episodes.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

What is a Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness is a mental health condition which is accompanied by intense and extreme mood swings in a person. It is actually a brain disorder that prolongs throughout the life. But if given proper treatment, people with this disorder can lead a normal and productive life. A person.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

The three main types of bipolar disorder are known as bipolar I, bipolar II, and bipolar III. Bipolar I is characterized by the occurrence of one or more manic or mixed episodes followed by one or more major depressive episodes. Although it is not the most common type of bipolar disorder, it is arguably the most widely known. Bipolar I seems to.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder is a syndrome in which a person experiences unusual changes in mood, typically from “highs” that are full of energy and activity, to “lows” in which the person experiences depression and dark moods.


Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that can lead to risky behavior, damaged relationships and careers, and even suicidal tendencies if it’s not treated. “Bipolar disorder used to be known as manic depressive disorder or manic depression” (WebMD, 2010). Manic is described an increasingly restless, energetic, talkative, reckless.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar disorder was previously known as manic depression as it causes moods to shift between mania and depression. It may also be classified as a biological brain disorder causing severe fluctuations in mood, energy, thinking and behaviour.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

Essays on Bipolar Disorder. People can be remarkably bad at appreciating what others go through and the struggles they face. A bipolar disorder essay is a good opportunity to try to understand the worlds in which those affected by this condition live. Sufferers from bipolar disorder alternate between periods of elevated mood or mania, during which they are overly energetic, happy, etc. and.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

The vast majority of people with bipolar disorder can lead healthy and productive lives when the illness is effectively treated. Without treatment, however, the natural course of bipolar disorder tends to worsen. Over time a person may suffer more frequent (rapid-cycling) and more severe manic and depressive episodes than those experienced when.


Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar Disorder ( Bipolar ) - Bipolar Disorder Before deriving to a conclusion concerning the mental health disorder, bipolar depression, the public should comprehend and combine both materials and statistics from mainstream media sources such as news articles and television shows and scholarly journal articles to better understand and become educated on this psychotic mood disorder and.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar Disorder, also known as a manic depressive illness, is classified as a brain disorder; that causes unusual shifts in the mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry-out day to day tasks.The majority of bipolar individuals experience alternating episodes of mania such as an elevated or euphoric mood or irritable state (US Department of Health 1) (Thackey 127).Bipolar.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar disorder affects millions of people every year. This type of disorder does not only affect one group of people; it holds no prejudice. Anyone, regardless of age, sex, or race can have bipolar disorder. There are many symptoms that a person is bipolar, but many are over-looked because they.

Bipolar Disorder Essays

Bipolar Disorder Essay. Bipolar disorder is a disease that effects one in every five Americans. It is second only to heart disease for loss of workdays in the U.S. Due to popular belief the cause of Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain. This imbalance is due to one neurotransmitter called norepinephrine it is thought to be the.


A Reflective Paper On Bipolar Disorder - UK Essays.

Essay Symptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar affective disorder or manic depression, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression. Other mental heal tissues such as anxiety disorder and substance use disorder are commonly associated. Environmental factors.

Bipolar Disorder Essay Sample. Introduction. Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that needs medical attention. The struggle of those people with this kind of disorder is tremendous to the point of affecting their career, relationship.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health problem that involves recurring episodes of extreme mood. 1 In England in 2014, 2% of adults screened positive for bipolar disorder 2 which is similar to estimates of lifetime prevalence from other countries. 3 Symptoms. Bipolar disorder is characterised by recurring episodes of extreme or overwhelming mood.

Bipolar Disorder This paper will contain information on what bipolar disorder in early and late adolescence is, causes and symptoms, medical along with therapeutic interventions and how important it really is to get treatment. Bipolar disorder is a disease that affects approximately 2.6% Americans in the United States in a given year. There is.

Why do I really need to understand Bipolar disorder. If I can understand what Bipolar disorder is, and the different types, and what causes the Bipolar disorder in a person, and finally how do doctors test patients for bipolar disorder. Bipolar affects many people, and with my understanding more about bipolar I can relate more to my mom. The.

Thesis Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is perhaps one of the most tragic mood disorders today, because it virtually taunts with the affected person's mind. Bipolar disorder also known as manic depressive disorder is a mental condition in which the person alternates between feelings of mania and depression. Types of Mood.

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