Biological Explanation of Unipolar Depression Free Essays.

Describe and evaluate biological explanations of depression There are many different explanations for depression, including biological.Links have been found between biochemical, genetics and hormonal imbalances with depressed people.In the biochemical explanation, a link has been found between neurotransmitter imbalances and depression.

Discuss biological explanations for depression (24marks) One of the most popular explanations of depression is genetics; this theory states that genes are to blame for the presence of depression. It also argues that depression, like many other illnesses, is an inherited one which runs in families.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

Many people think depression is not important and not a real-life genuine health problem, according to official statistics, Depression is one of the major components of suicide, it is “estimated that 6,213 suicides took place in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in 2017.” (Ian Macrory, 2016) Many individuals agree that depression is not a sign of being vulnerable or fragile.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

A biological explanation for depression is the monoamine hypothesis. Monoamines are a group of neurotransmitters that regulate mood; they include serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

The biological aspect of depression is very closely related to the genetic one, since an individual’s genes will influence the biological working of his or her body. Scientists believe that depression may also be caused by an imbalance in the important neurotransmitters of the brain.


Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

One biological explanation for unipolar depression is the monoamine hypothesis. The monoamines are a group of neurotransmitters which include serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. You will recognise the latter, dopamine, from the biological offering of an explanation for schizophrenia. The monoamines are believed to regulate mood.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

Depression and Treatments. Depression is not only one of themost widespread and prevalent of the major psychiatric disorders but also oneof the most excessively researched mental illnesses. It has oftenfundamentally affects people’s well-being and quality of life.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

Describe and evaluate biological explanations of depression There are many different explanations for depression, including biological. Links have been found between biochemical, genetics and hormonal imbalances with depressed people. In the biochemical explanation, a link has been found between neurotransmitter imbalances and depression.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

The biomedical model largely assumes that neurotransmitter imbalances cause mental disorders. The 1950s saw a rise in the development of psychopharmacological treatments for depression and other mental illnesses. This led to theories about chemical imbalances providing an explanation for symptoms (Schildkraut, 1965). These theories of causation.


Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

You may have heard that depression is the result of a simple imbalance of brain chemicals. Although brain chemicals are certainly part of the cause, this explanation is too simple. Even just considering the biological dimension of depression, the brain has multiple layers of issues that are involved. Neurochemistry. Neurotransmitters.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

The Unit 2 Exam expects you to know about one non-biological explanation of a disorder other than schizophrenia; in this case, unipolar depression. You are also expected to understand a psychological treatment for depression which is linked to these explanations.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

This theory states that no one cause for depression is responsible, but rather interrelationships of the biological, psychological and social roots are all simultaneously responsible. Although the causes of depression can be viewed from just a biological, psychological or sociological perspective, it is best approached from the biopsychosocial perspective.

Biological Explanation Of Depression Essay Sample

Depression can affect anyone at any age (though it does seem to be more prominent in females.) (Stewart, 2010) The psychological causes of depression are very vast, however three theories on how depression comes about will be explored in this essay. These theories include the cognitive -behavioural model and the behavioural.


Biological Explanation of Unipolar Depression Free Essays.

Biological explanations question hereditary and neurotransmitter factors. While psychological theories include the cognitive ideas of Beck’s negative triad and hopelessness theory. This essay will focus on the ways in which psychological and biological explanations contrast and how their theories can overlap to better understand depression.

Outline and evaluate biological therapies as treatments of depression. There many forms of treatment to cure depression, many of which are biological.These target the physical and chemical side of the body.

Essay The Biological Level Of Depression. Depression can be explained at the Four Levels of Explanation. The biological level relates to the chemical processes underlying behaviour. The major effects that depression has at the biological level are headaches, insomnia, change in appetite and an imbalance of neurotransmitters.

One strength of the cognitive explanation for depression is its application to therapy. The cognitive ideas have been used to develop effective treatments for depression, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) a nd Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), which was developed from Ellis’s ABC model.

Biology of Depression. You may have heard that depression is the result of a simple imbalance of brain chemicals. Although brain chemicals are certainly part of the cause, this explanation is too simplistic. Even just considering the biological dimension of depression, the brain has multiple layers of complexity. Neurochemistry. Neurotransmitters.

Depression by Cognitive Perspective As it is well known, most people experience some kind of depression in their lives. Depression sometimes makes our lives unbearable and, we need treatment. We need the help of psychologist’s. With the help of them, we try to learn the reasons of our depression.

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