The Biological and Emotional Causes of Aggression.

A range of biological explanations for human aggression exists in psychology. One of these is the link between genetic factors and aggression. This explanation claims that aggressive behaviour is caused by the genetics passed down to a person and that certain genes predispose a person to be aggressive.

Biological explanations of aggression study guide by ifarsides includes 16 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

The evolutionary explanation of human aggression suggests that aggression serves as an important function in terms of the individual’s survival as well as its potential to procreate.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

While there are many biological factors associated with aggression, their predictive value remains still quite low. The first hurdle in researching aggression is how to define it. It is an easier task with animals, who tend to display stereotyped patterns of violence such as killing to gain food or territory.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Section 2: Genetical Origins of Aggression. Genes alone do not control aggression, rather they affect the production of hormones and neurotransmitters which in turn affects aggression. So you will also draw upon your knowledge of biological factors, but you MUST show a link to genetics for each one.


Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Aggression is as a form of anti social behaviour, showing a lack of emotional concern for the welfare of others, as described by Baron and Richardson (1994). It is a cultural, cognitive process as well as a biological response, affecting every human being.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Evolutionary explanations of aggression suggest that aggression serves an important function in terms of both individual survival as well as reproductive potential. Competition arises when resources are limited and animals must compete in order to survive and reproduce.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Describe and evaluate biological explanations of depression There are many different explanations for depression, including biological.Links have been found between biochemical, genetics and hormonal imbalances with depressed people.In the biochemical explanation, a link has been found between neurotransmitter imbalances and depression.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Describe and evaluate biological explanations of OCD (10 marks) The biological approach as an explanation of OCD believes that the disorder is caused by a fault in our body, either through genes, hormones, the brain, or neurotransmitters, therefore suggesting that OCD is caused by our nature, rather than our upbringing.


Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Biological explanations of aggression essays Published by on November 28, 2018.. Cendep dissertations gratuites should gambling be legalized essay help essay on love your neighbour as yourself essay about unemployment problems barber history research paper je hais les haies illustration essay essay on love your neighbour as yourself.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

A biological explanation for depression is the monoamine hypothesis. Monoamines are a group of neurotransmitters that regulate mood; they include serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

It is possible that biological mechanisms are the cause of aggression shown in animals but cannot in humans so must be careful when saying that biology causes aggression in all humans. 7 of 11 The biological explanation of aggression is deterministic.

Biological Explanations Of Aggression Essay Help

Outline and evaluate the biological explanation of depression.Biological explanation of depression can be explained by neurotransmitter dysfunction. Neurotransmitters such as noradrenalin and serotonin have been shown to be linked with depression. Bunney at al (1965) found that there was low levels of noradrenaline function in the brain of depressed individuals.


The Biological and Emotional Causes of Aggression.

One biological explanation for offending behaviour is the atavistic form. Lombroso was credited as moving criminology into a more rigorous and scientific realm and thus laid the foundation for offender profiling. He claimed that offenders turn to crime because they are lacking evolutionary development.

Early biological explanations of criminal behavior had two different perspectives which came from the classical school and the positive school. Before the classical school, an offender was said to be guilty unless proven innocent.

Biological Explanations of Criminal Behavior Nature and nurture contribute to the way a person behaves. This can be applied to the behaviors of criminals. According to Fishbein (1990, pg.37), “behavior (is) primarily attributed to inherited predispositions and genetic influences.”.

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Biological theorists suggest that aggression is caused by some genetic or biological factor. Maxon (1998), a leading theorist proposed a theory that one's genes affect one or more types of aggression in mice, which may be applied to humans as a genetic explanation of aggression.

Psychologists have used selective breeding in animals and have found that aggression is a trait that can be transmitted from parent to offspring, thus supporting the genetic explanation. Research with human subjects has focused on twin studies that have looked at the incidence of aggression displayed by monozygotic (MZ or identical) and by dizygotic (DZ or non-identical) twins.

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