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In 2020, BioOne Complete offers 214 full-text journals from leading scientific societies and independent presses around the world. 81% of BioOne Complete’s 2020 subscribed titles have Impact Factors, and 29% are based outside the US. Furthermore, two-thirds of current titles are available in full-text XML exclusively through BioOne Complete.

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BioOne Complete is a database of more than 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. The flagship product of the nonprofit publisher BioOne, BioOne Complete provides libraries with cost-effective access to high-quality, curated research and independent society publishers with a dynamic, community-based platform and global distribution.

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Two decades later, BioOne remains committed to meeting library, publisher, and researcher needs through a growing portfolio of products and services. BioOne Complete. BioOne Complete, BioOne’s flagship product, is a database of over 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.

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Each open access scholarly book or chapter receives the same editorial and publishing expertise, rigorous peer review and high quality production process that non-open access books receive. Read more about why you should publish an open access book. Contact one of our publishing editors in your discipline to discuss your proposal.


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In addition to offering gold open access options that uphold publication mandates instituted by our authors' funding partners, we also participate in initiatives, such as Knowledge Unlatched, which provide collective funding opportunities for selected titles. If Open Access status is required for your publication, please contact your Berghahn.

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In light of the current situation many providers are supplying different content offerings, ranging from collections specific to COVID-19 resources, expanding their licensing agreements, to opening up collections for complete open access (usually with limited duration).


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Titles: The key to ensuring your article will be found. The title is an essential way to bring the article to potential readers' attention, especially in those cases where the database being searched does not include the abstract of the article. The title must therefore be as accurate, informative and complete as possible. Some tips on titles.

Bioone Open Access Titles For Essays

Lindbergia. Lindbergia is a journal issued by the Nordic Bryological Society and the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society.Bryologists and lichenologists from all countries are invited to publish original research from any field of bryology and lichenology.

Bioone Open Access Titles For Essays

The American Ornithological Society is committed to providing professional development opportunities for its members. If you’re a faculty member and are invited to review a paper for The Auk, AOS encourages you to consider involving graduate students you mentor in the peer review process. How to participate. Read The Auk on BioOne.

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Welcome to OpenDOAR OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. You can search and browse through thousands of registered repositories based on a range of features, such as location, software or type of material held.


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Annals of the Entomological Society of America integrates different areas of insect biology and addresses current issues relevant to entomologists.

BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation, BioOne Complete, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.

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